Thursday, December 3, 2009

Does anybody know how to get songs for myspace?

I'm trying to make an artist signup for myspace, but I can't get the songs on the profile page. I don't even know how to record the songs...Help someone! I'm trying to become a new artist, and I'm trying to get a record deal with Hollywood Records, but there's no way I can contact them...and by the way if you know anyway I can contact them please let me know=] Anyways, please help.

Does anybody know how to get songs for myspace?

once you get the band myspace there should be a link to add songs and they must be mp3 format you can also sell them by setting up a FREE snowcap account on your myspace to sell the songs for the price you want $.99, $.88, $2.50, $.49, whatever you think is the right price-- to do this you need a credit card so you get money added to your account when people by your music.

Does anybody know how to get songs for myspace?

With a microphone and an audio recording program.

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