Monday, November 30, 2009

Add 5+ songs to myspace band page?

I've seen many bands have 5 or more songs on their myspace page. How do I do that ?

Add 5+ songs to myspace band page?

depends if you are signed and how much you fund tom. everyone else's max is five. or... you can get a playlist.. but people cant add those songs to their page.

o i almost forgot! for the 5th song, its only if you add Bodog entertainment as your friend!!

Add 5+ songs to myspace band page?

use and upload your songs, once uploaded put check mark by the songs and click file action and then generate url, then go to

and create your own music player up to 10 songs.

Add 5+ songs to myspace band page?

you'll find your answer on :


it has the greatest myspace stuff i've ever seen

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